2024 current travel dates


Travel schedule is updated as we receive bookings. If a month line says “open” that means we still have open dates within that month for other locations. So, if you don’t see your location reach out. We’re excited to talk to you!


June: Jackson Hole, Wyoming - only 2 remaining dates: June 16th and 17th

August: fully open for any destination other than Jackson Hole.

September: SLC Utah & Jackson Hole, Wyoming - fully booked

October: Bay Area California - fully booked

Late November-Mid December: South Island, New Zealand for lupine season, only booking 1 elopement

2025 - fully open for any destination

February: TBD Iceland - booking two dates

March: Puerto Rico

June: Jackson, Hole, Wyoming - fully open

July: TBD Mount Rainier National Park, Alaska, Iceland or Faroe Islands

Late August/Early September: Lofoten, Norway